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Dear Members As the current situation around COVID-19 worsens, and the spread reaches more and more of our community, we as a Committee have decided to be proactive in our response and do our part in trying to stop the spread.  While these are drastic measures, we have not taken this decision lightly, and certainly in my time at the Club I have never seen a Committee actively stop people from playing tennis, but this is what we must do.  As a result, from today onwards the following actions will be taken;

  • WELTC Clubhouse will be locked and closed to all Members

  • WELTC Courts will be locked and closed to all Members

  • All coaching and private lessons will be postponed until further notice. Please reach out to Neil or Nathan if you have any questions around coaching. 

  • Our Club Manager, Caroline Harrow, will be working from home. She will still respond to emails and calls but please be aware she will not be reachable at all times - contact will be limited to her usual club hours (Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 3pm). 

This will have a great impact on the wellbeing of our coaches and staff and will require all of us to support them wherever we can during this period.  We all share a common bond of our love of Tennis and being active, unfortunately at this time, it must take a back seat to the welfare of the community as a whole.  Hopefully, it will be short-lived and we can be back on the courts sooner rather than later.  Cheers Chris Mundell President



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