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Dear All,

Now that we have confirmation that Alert Level 3 has been extended, we would like to provide court access for members to play tennis in their bubbles again - on the basis that the process and rules are followed.

Effective Saturday 15 August, the process to use the courts is outlined below:

  1. Members must book their court online via our website

  2. Members must ensure that they have downloaded the Ministry of Health’s NZ COVID Tracer App - or keep a manual record if you don't have a smartphone.

  3. Members must sign in for every visit using the QR Code which is displayed on the court gates and in the notice box outside the building.

  4. Unfortunately coaching is not permitted at Level 3.

Rules to comply with while WELTC is at Alert Level 3:

  • Play within YOUR BUBBLE only - do not arrange to meet anyone else to play.  This means coaching (outside of your bubble) is not permitted.

  • Courts 2, 4 & 6 will be open from 7am to 6pm but the clubrooms & toilets will remain closed and floodlights are not permitted.

  • Entry is via gates 2 or 3 and security cards are required to release the gates.

  • Hand sanitiser is secured to the fence by the court gates - this must be used when entering and exiting the courts.

  • Members must maintain social distancing from those outside their bubble.

  • Equipment must not be shared with anyone outside of your bubble.

  • The hitting wall is open, but we ask all users to adhere to social distancing and be patient while others are using it. 

Please refresh your understanding of the COVID-19 Play Safe Guidelines for Players under Alert Level 3 prepared by Tennis New Zealand.

Our Health & Safety Plan is displayed beside the ground floor entrance.  Please contact our Club Manager, Caroline Harrow, via email if you require further clarification.  We will continue to keep you informed via e-news as more information is made available.

If you have any question email:


Carter Tennis & WELTC


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